Are you a D2C brand that has high shipping costs?
Deliver locally at a fraction of the cost of residential shipping
Who are We?
Pickup locations in 5 countries
up to 3$
Save per shipping with commercial shipping rates
We help pureplay-commerce stores deliver locally up to 60% cheaper than traditional carriers
Want to know more?
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Map of pickup locations
How it works
You integrate to Via.Delivery platform

We provide you with modules for popular e-commerce platforms and RESTful API
Once you integrate, there will be a local pickup option in the checkout section
One of over 21.000+ shops, pharmacies or gas stations that are part of our national network can be chosen by your customers
Order is delivered to shopper's chosen pickup location
Delivery is made using existing retailer infrastructures, whilst labels (barcodes/QR) that are needed for picking up packages are generated by Via.Delivery
Your customers pick up their orders at any time they choose - packages are kept at the cash register
A private code is securely sent via email/SMS
BOPIS in 2020
Shippings for major
omnichannel retailers
Growth of
BOPIS in 2020
Request a quote
to connect to the platform
More than 22,000 delivery points and we keep adding more!

Pick-up points are always within short walking distance of your customers, therefore such an ordinary task as picking up parcels perfectly fits in their lifestyles and routines.
Competitive advantage
We utilize our partners' existing logistics infrastructures, so we can offer you delivery at disruptive low prices

We have the highest number of pickup points nationwide
We work only with the most well-thought-out, practical and solid logistics partners to provide e-commerce players with a next-level shipping option to improve every aspect of it.

Our platform is built on Amazon Web Services, which guarantees stability and unlimited load of orders

What type of goods can be delivered via your platform?
Any goods that fit in a box with dimensions of 21x15x14 inch.
How can an online store integrate with you?
We have plug-ins for e-commerce platforms like Shopify, Ecwid ready. We can also integrate via API.
Our IT team can develop a plug-in to fit your e-commerce platform needs.
How does the process of pick up look like?
Your customer receives a message right after the order that his or her parcel is on the way to the chosen location. After it gets there the customer receives another message that she can pick up the order using 4 digits code at the chosen location during working hours. When the order is picked up, you get a notification from us. We can also postpone the expiration date several times.
Who is responsible for the first mile and what is the delivery period?
We take care of the whole delivery process. Delivery period depends on the location of your warehouse and the shopper's location, but within one state it takes no more than 2 days.
Free sign up for Via.Delivery platform
585 Glenwood Ave
Menlo Park, CA 94025
